What Is Somatic Experiencing and neuro-affective touch therapy?


"Somatic Experiencing is a powerful psychobiological method for addressing physical and emotional trauma, PTSD, overwhelm, and stress-related conditions.

NeuroAffective Touch, founded by Dr. Aline LaPierre, is a talk and touch based approach to Developmental Therapy. It focuses on renegotiating the development of a whole person, from inception through life, utilizing a neurobiological and psychosocial lens to heal Developmental Deficits and Trauma.

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SE Homepage - click here to visit. Dr. Peter Levine’s organization, Ergos Ins. link here…

There is growing scientific evidence that a deep relationship exists between traumatic stress and physical health. For close to fifty years now, Dr. Peter Levine, has studied and researched therapies to address the physiology and treatment of trauma. In his book Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, Somatic Experiencing® (SE) and In An Unspoken Voice, Dr. Levine explains how using a sensation based approach can heal trauma.

Somatic Therapy is a mindful, physiology based practice that, unlike cathartic or mind over matter based therapies, is a slow step-by-step process that works to understand how your whole Self, body, mind, and perhaps spirit, have worked to keep you safe and alive. Whilst it does take some amount of activation at times in a session to find and complete thwarted defenses and previously unmet emotional needs, Somatic Therapy aims to be peaceful and non re-traumatizing. This type of therapy is respectful of your pace and needs, and prioritizes emotional and physiological containment and regulation that is congruent with your story or narrative.

The process includes some talking with a primary focus on sensations and emotional needs, as the Somatic Experiencing and NeuroAffective Touch Practitioner works with you to help create to a new reparative experience.  


1. A Session in the Field

Get a first hand look at how SE is being used internationally to help in the recovery of trauma. This video shows noted SE expert Ale Duarte working with victims of the Japan tsunami and also in China following the Sichuan earthquake.

To explore if SE® is an appropriate approach for you please contact me for a confidential conversation and consultation



In this video, you will learn about the physiological basis of trauma and how Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, helps distressed individuals recover a sense of well being, stability and vitality.